Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just Thinking...

I think it's normal for a parent of a young child to start pondering everything their child has learned and has done over the past year as their next birthday rapidly approaches. So here I sit thinking about the joys that I get from taking care of our son. They range from him still saying "goo" rather than glue, "lellow" rather than yellow, and "sdune" rather than spoon to being so much more coordinated this year that he can actually kick the soccer ball down a field and into the goal. While there are still bad moments like being told "I don't like you mom" or even "I hate you" and just recently "I wish you were at work and daddy was here", the good definitely outweighs the bad...I must be doing something right! I think that means we should keep him :).


Lou said...

awe you are doing something right!!! Love the new layout!

LouellaRuth said...

You are doing a wonderful job! I am so proud of all of you.
All my love