Monday, January 9, 2012

The Struggles of Life

I am posting this shortly after reading a friend's blog about her precious little bundle. The bundle is still preparing to come into this world and already his parents are faced with a struggle. His big brother has SMA, a rare degenerative genetic disorder that affects the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in muscle wasting and weakness. In layman's terms, he will not be able to walk, run, or participate in many of the activities we outsiders consider "normal." In order for a child to have SMA both parents must carry the gene. If they do, they have a one in four chance of their child having it. Recently the parents had their current bundle tested so they know what to expect. Unfortunately he has tested positive for the disorder as well. Please pray for them as they make the adjustments to bring another child with SMA into their loving home. While I don't think there are two more faithful and capable parents in the world, it is still a struggle for them. Even though these parents are more than able to care for their new little precious one, they are still deserving of prayers. Thanks.

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