Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Grand Canyon

Our next touristy stop was the Grand Canyon. A very good friend of mine had suggested that we go to sunrise at the canyon. We didn't get to a hotel until late the night before and there are not many things I will get up early for but I thought this might be worth it. It was about 35 degrees the next morning when we headed out but still we went ahead with it. When we got there, we were quickly reminded of the stereotypical vacation when you are surrounded by Asian folks talking 90mph and clicking away. We both started laughing when we turned around and saw nothing but that because three or four tour buses had just pulled up. We waited it out and let me tell you it was definitely a wonderfully splendid view! I didn't think we were going to make it the whole time because the kiddo was very cold and almost miserable but he hung in there like a champ. We even got to see some deer on the pathway right in front of us as we headed back to the car.

After sunrise we went back to the hotel for breakfast and some more sleep before viewing the canyon during the day and heading out for another day of travel.

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