Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm Trying

I am going to give a really good effort this year to blog daily. It may only contain one or two words that happened to pop into my head but it is what it is. I missed the first few days so owe an additional one after this to "catch up" but after that, I'll keep up...that's my New Year's promise. (and we all know how much people stick to those). I still have some previous events to blog about but just don't feel like it tonight.

Today started off ok but rapidly went down, up, down. It was a normal school day so I took Bucky to school this morning, which was not quite as cold as it was yesterday AM. I got a call about 1100 telling me that my kiddo had just thrown up "all over" the bathroom. I said, "I'll be there in a few", hung up my phone, grabbed my keys and went to get him. He looked pitiful. It was obvious that this was not a random event. When I got him home, I took his temp, a whopping 101.6, gave him some tylenol and let him watch cartoons on the couch. He fell asleep and woke up feeling better. He even ate a little. I didn't give him any more Tylenol since he was acting like himself. During his nap, my purse arrived...oh, did I forget to mention that I left it in Florida when we were visiting over the holidays?? Of all the things I could have forgotten, I forgot my purse...but my wonderful parents FedEx'd it to me and I got it today. I felt lost without it.

When we sat down for dinner, Bucky was starting to act tired and sickly again. He didn't eat much at all and barely ate the ice cream his daddy got for him so we knew something was not right. I took his temp at 103.6. More tylenol and a warm bath while he was screaming. He just didn't feel good. After the bath, his temp was still around 103 but he went right to bed. I have been periodically checking his temp and it seems to be slowly going down but we have the alarm set for his next dose of meds. Poor little guy...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry :( Is he coughing at all? That sounds like Caleb and croup. You'd think after E having had it 11 times, I would've recognized it in a bigger kid but nope. IF he is coughing (barking), stick his head in the freezer for a few minutes. (I'm not joking) and then let him sleep with a humidifyer. Although since he did throw up, it may just be good ole fashioned flu. Either way, I hope little man feels better soon!!!!!