Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh My!

Who might have walking pneumonia?? This girl! I went back to my OB today because I have had a horrible cough since Thursday that has only allowed me to sleep for about 2-3 hours a night. I called Friday to make the appointment so it's not like I waited this long; they just didn't get me in any sooner. Anyway, she examined me and gave me an antibiotic prescription. I also had to get blood check my white count among other things. I thought I just had a sinus infection or something but apparently my lungs sound like crinkling paper. Bonus: I got to hear the baby's heartbeat and it sounds very strong! At least my current ailment isn't holding the baby back; he or she has been doing cartwheels in my belly! Sometimes it makes me giggle and sometimes it makes me cringe. Either way, it's a wonderful feeling :).

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