Friday, May 8, 2009

New Phase

Bucky has now entered a phase I was hoping he had skipped...the take the diaper off and hide it phase. Most of the time, he just lays it where he happened to be standing and we find it later (completely dry). He apparently likes being naked - fine with me while we have tile floors. We have bought him a potty chair just to introduce the idea to him but are in no way forcing potty training on him. He does seem to understand the potty is for "tee-tee" and "ew" (poopy) so at least he's heading that direction. The other day he had taken his diaper off and came to me saying "ew" so I followed him. And there it was on the floor. We cleaned it and flushed it and he seems interested in learning but we are definitely taking it ssssllllloooooowwwww. He is also talking a lot more and where people besides his mother can actually understand it. He has almost all of his teeth - all of a sudden 4-5 started coming through at one time and now he is only missing one or two. Pictures to come later...

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