Sunday, October 19, 2008

Visiting with Family

We took a week out of Buck's already short R&R to travel to visit with family and friends. First stop...Atlanta. Buck's grandparents live just north of Atlanta so we stayed with them for a few days. We had a good visit and were able to help them accomplish a few things while we were there. On one of the days his cousins, Roth and Natalie, came to visit and Natalie brought Evan who is almost a year old. Bucky seemed cautious at first b/c he had just woken from his nap but they quickly began playing together. After their visit we went to see the Easleys, our close friends. We had dinner at their house - yummy home-made fried chicken. Bucky enjoyed playing with their 2 year old dtr, London, and their 4 yr old son, CJ. The night after this we went to Micah's football game...Micah is their oldest child; he is a senior in high school. We had planned to leave at half time but the game was so good we stayed the whole time. His team lost unfortunately but it was still very exciting until the last few minutes. We all enjoyed watching the action and Buck even took Bucky to the home side so he could watch the bands at halftime. Bucky was perfecting saying "touchdown" and throwing his hands in the air.

On to Birmingham...we went to Pinson, AL after the game Friday night to visit Buck's sister, Mischa, and her family. We watched Triston's football game on Saturday...they won by a lot!! Yay Triston!!! We couldn't believe how big the kids had gotten since last Christmas - it was amazing!! Kaela has started Kindergarten and Scott turned 4 in August. While we were there, Buck's bro-in-law gave me a telephoto lens to try out so I'm sure many pictures will follow. We had a good visit with them also but we were glad to get home.

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