Sunday, November 18, 2012

Visiting Great Grandma

and Kira's first trip to the fair. After hubby returned from ALC in AZ, we made a short trip up to visit his grandmother. She had not seen Kira yet so we were all excited. Although it was only overnight, we were able to get in some quality time with her and hub's cousin. 

The night we came back home, we also went to the Georgia National Fair. We didn't get there until around 430 or 500 but we closed the place down around 1100 or so. While Buck and I were in line for our first ride (our neighbor-friends were watching the youngins), we heard a girl freaking out because her buckle didn't latch. This mama got out of line and did not ride anything that night that left the ground. And I was perfectly fine with that. BTW - the ride was functioning again within the hour. Hmmmm... But anywho, the kiddo had a great time and baby girl slept and ate through it so all was right with the world.

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