Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break, pt 1

For Bucky's Spring Break this year, we headed south...but not too far. We went to Panama City to visit my family and enjoy the beach and some nice weather. Well, that changed. Two days after we got there, the forecast was calling for thunderstorms for 3 or 4 days. We were able to go to the mall with my sis-in-law and two nieces for some playtime for the kiddos on Monday. Tuesday we didn't do much of anything. Wednesday was still looking rough so we hung out around the house. Thursday, though, we went out to play some putt-putt with my mom since it was clear-ish weather when she got home from work. Bucky had a great time and lots of fun! He was the only one who got a hole in one. Even though it was not on one of the "special" holes, the worker gave him a free game coin anyway for doing so well! He was thrilled!

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