Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's A...

Surprise! We went to our ultrasound today for the measurements of our little bundle and for "gender determination" know, twig and giggleberries or not. Anyone get the reference? Anyway...I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to find out but was willing to do so because my hubby has zero patience and wanted to find out. Yes it would be easier to decorate but where's the fun in doing things early?? So there I am lying on the table with the lady pushing and twisting and patting and I knew what was happening. Hubs was in the dark so I let it play out. And then the words I knew were coming..."I've tried to get the baby to move, but it won't. I can't see what it is." I laughed, yes, laughed. Hubby's mouth dropped. I think he thought it was a joke at first and then realized that she was done. The little sweet potato wouldn't spread its legs for the u/s lady to get a glimpse. I jokingly said "That means it's a girl." Bucky was proud to show us what to expect but this one just didn't want to help us prepare. Either way the baby is measuring appropriately for it's due date and that's what really matters. We only got one picture of the baby's face which was kind of disappointing but we will be exploring other options to try and get some more pictures. The one today was printed on a 4x6 card but I want the pictures that are shiny like I got with Bucky. Call me picky but I want the "normal" ultrasound pictures :). So after all our anxieties about what the baby is going to be, well, we still get to talk about what we think ;).

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