Friday, August 8, 2008

Toddler Skate at Rock-It-Lanes

We went to Toddler Skate this morning. It's where little kids can bring their push toys and run around the skating area without the fear of someone much bigger running over them. There is also an inflatable thing they can jump inside. We met our friends Anna/Jimmy and Hubbell/ Chase. They all seemed to have a really good time, as usual. After the running around, we took them to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then went our separate ways. It's a good thing we were on our way home because somebody was very sleepy :) .


Hubbell said...

Love the pictures of my child trying to push your child! haha

Tonia said...

Love toddler skate! I really wish one of the rinks near us would start the same thing. I might go email them!