He will blow (like on hot food); Does very well biting his food, like sandwiches; Says "sit" as he climbs up to get in his chair; Knows what naptime/night-night are and will go to his door when he's ready; Will clean or sweep the floor an wash his belly in the bathtub; Blows kisses; He has been giving out random kisses and hugs - I love this!!; Loves throwing balls, any size; Can climb up several steps - 15 at one time; Waves bye-bye and says it "Dye-Dye"; Calls the dog by clapping his hands slowly, not to be confused with clapping "Yay"; Loves standing on his step stool and looking out the window; Still only 6 teeth but more are definitely on the way; Knows where his clothes go on his body; Is learning facial parts (nose, mouth, etc...); Bends and grabs his toes when I sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes; Says "Uh-Oh" (our newest accomplishment); Is learning how to swim and does very well through most of it; Goes to the door when we are going bye-bye; Pulls on my shorts and leads me to where something is that he wants me to see; Says "mama", "dog" (minus the "g"), "ball", "there", "see" (and points), "juice", "side" (for outside) - does signs for "milk", "food", "more"...... I'll write more later if I notice anything was left off that I feel is pertinent.
These are some pics I took last night. We went on his swing outside because he was very fussy (teething) and he loves being outside.
Blue Mouth from Fruit snacks
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