Bucky and I have joined a new group at the Bay County Library called Book Babies. A few of our friends from our Meetup group are going also. Hubbell/Chase, Molly/Pherson, Melanie/Evelyn, and Lily/Cash. After we all signed in and got our child's nametag, we were herded into a room in the corner of the children's section. The room was a good size for our group but it had a little too much to play with, resulting in one or two little ones running around during the story time. We started with a few songs which we all had to learn because the teacher had made them up. She then read a book and listened to some music with more singing. Bucky seemed really into it. At one point, he laid on his stomach on the floor in front of me and watched the teacher while she read. It was one of those moments where a mother says "Man, I wish I had my camera." So expect pictures next week as I will be taking my camera in with me. After storytime, I signed up for a library card and checked out a few books to bring home with us for me to read to Bucky. He's already got several books at home, but with an attention span the size of a gnat's, it's nice to have a change once in a while. Afterwards, Hubbell and I took our boys to the mall for lunch and to walk around. I was trying to wear Bucky out so he would take a good nap before his pictures at 4:00. Well, apparently my kid was definitely worn out. On the second trip around the halls of the mall, we stopped because Chase had dumped some Cheerios into his carseat and Hubbell was cleaning them out. At this point I realized my child was not moving. I looked at him and he was slumped over the front bar of his stroller sound asleep. I rushed to get my camera phone but woke him in the process. He, however, was not deterred. He began to turn around to fuss at me but remembered that he was extremely tired. That is when I took the pictures of him. Notice the hand on the back of the stroller from when he started to turn around. It was hilarious. Afterwards we headed to the parking lot to load the boys up and head our separate ways. He was so asleep, I decided to cut his fingernails. He slept through that and then the whole way home. He continued to sleep as I got him out of his carseat and put him in his crib. Our sweet little angel...

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