Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time For Change

And not the Obama kind of change that is full of ideas but implementation is lacking. I mean real change. After reading "How to Miss a Childhood" this morning while sitting by my wonderful almost 5 year old baby boy, I realized that I follow a lot of the recipe and it saddened me. I do it without even realizing it because it has become habit. It's a bad habit that needs to be changed. After all, there is nothing more important than raising my kiddo to know that he is more important than a damn phone. How sad is it that all the new and "wonderful" technology has taken over family values? So today is a new day and I plan on using it to change some very bad habits and start new. Clean slate. This is going to take some time, I know, because it is too easy to fall back into old routines. We do have some things we do together every day or week but I can always do more. Even though I am a perfectionist (a battle in itself), I am going to try my best to spend more quality time with my kiddo. Anyone else up for the challenge?

I mean, come on, look at him! Who wouldn't want to spend more time with my "wild child"? 


OnlySortaSuperMom said...

I enjoyed the article too. Although I think we started missing childhoods before cellphones. My communication class was talking about how the type of communication we use is a communication in its self. Like how the TV communicates, instant, emotional, superficial. Almost every parenting guru out there has the same tip: Spend a designated amount of time engaged with your child each day without distractions. That's it. The best parenting advice out there <3 Don't beat yourself up though because I'm pretty sure you do better than you realize. I know I don't know you super well but you don't seem like an overly plugged in momma to me.

Theodore Hettick said...

Does this mean I'm losing my word games buddy!?

Unknown said...

I love this post. They go up so quickly don't they? I feel so old when I say when I was a mum, we didn't have cell-phones. But it isn't about the cell-phone, is it? It's that sweet little boy of yours.