Gamma and Grandaddy came to visit us in the beginning of June. We were so excited to finally get to show them our side of the US :). The first night we went to a Sky Sox game. Even though they were exhausted and it rained for the first time in about 40 years, it was a very pleasant night. I was very excited for them to meet some of the wonderful ladies that we have come to know and love during our stint at Fort Carson.
The next day was Bucky's first TBall game and the circus.
One day we went to Pikes Peak. My dad was talking about that before they even got here so I knew that was going on the list of things to do. However...after warning my mom to wear jeans and a jacket, my dad and I both wore shorts. Stupid Floridians!! :) We muscled through it and did get to enjoy some time at the peak.
The last day we visited Garden of the Gods. This was my mom's favorite. It was a beautiful day to go and explore this wonderful outdoor park.
Bucky and I were both sad to see them go but thoroughly enjoyed their visit.