For St Patty's Day pics, I had to bribe Bucky with some outside play if he would smile for me. He certainly knows how to turn on the charm just like his daddy. Little does he know he would've been playing outside anyway because it was such a gorgeous day :).
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Bowling Field Trip
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A Full Day
Yesterday was a very full day for us. We were out of the house most of the day. And when we were home, we were busy. The morning started with a pancake breakfast supporting one of my friend's sons' soccer team. It was very yummy and Bucky ate 4 pancakes! We came home after that to bake some cookies for the FRG cookie exchange. While I was baking, he was enjoying playing in the bathtub. For those of you who are not saying "Why were you not in the bathroom?", the bathroom and kitchen share a wall and I can hear him the entire time. No worries. And I did share the beaters with him so all's good. Anyway, we had our cookie exchange and that, too, was very yummy. I love those girls! Lots of comic relief and stories to share. All in all a very good time! After that we ate at Outback with Lisa and her kiddos because I needed a good steak. Then we headed back to my house for chill out time. It's great because the kiddos can watch something upstairs and we can watch something downstairs. Everyone's happy - win-win :).
Canvas People
I don't know if the deal is still going on but Canvas People was having a special on their canvases. They were having a free 8x10 canvas...all you pay is shipping. Or you can buy a bigger canvas and get a $50 discount. I ordered the 11x11 canvas and paid around $35 after all was said and done. Here is the picture I chose. I love all the pictures I took that day but this one fit best on the square canvas.
Just for Fun
I realized the other day that I haven't used my "good" camera in over a month...A MONTH! I couldn't believe that. I am, after all, the person that was taking way TOO many pictures every day for months and months. So...I picked it up and I immediate regretted not picking it up sooner. I love taking pictures and it allows me to focus on something through the lens rather than real life. It's my break and I plan on taking advantage of it much more in the upcoming months. But, anywho, here are some pics I took in the backyard because I felt like it...

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Here is an email I sent to Dollar Tree Stores today after heading straight home from their store because I did not want to make someone else's day miserable due to this one person.
"I went to store #2572 in Fountain, CO today. The Sales Associate, Kenyatta, made a comment to me that was very rude and inappropriate. My 3 1/2 yo kiddo was not behaving through the line and began taking things out of the bag so I tapped his hand and turned him forward. During this I didn't realize that I needed to push a button on the keypad. She did it, I apologized. She responded, "It's much more important to beat your child." Being the non-abusive parent that I am, I was greatly offended and found it hard to be the bigger person and not say anything right at that moment. However, I did want to let you all know the attitude being portrayed by this store."
I am not one to take things to heart but this woman just pissed me off and I couldn't help but think this was not the first time nor the last time. Whether anything happens or not is not the issue...I just needed to voice what happened to me.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I have not been feeling well and finally went to the dr this morning when I woke up feeling pressure in my chest. The doctor said I have an upper respiratory infection along with acute bronchitis. I'm really hoping the four medications he gave me help clear it up because I don't have time to be sick right now. Of course, that could be why I'm sick also. Little down time...Now I have to make myself sit down so I can get better so I can start going again. I've been very fortunate this year as this is the first real sickness I've had. Bucky has been on and off sick so I've apparently been doing a pretty good job steering clear of the nastiness. Oh well...time to rest and drink water...
We had a "marriage" retreat this weekend except everyone's hubby is working far, far away at the moment so it ended up being a wives retreat. While the retreat part wasn't the best, the time with friends was wonderful. We were able to leave our kiddos with the childcare folks for some much needed adult time. The first night we hung out in the May's room drinking and talking the night away. The following night a few of us went to Breckenridge for some women time and then hung out in our room so our kiddos could get to bed at a decent hour since we had paid all day for keeping them up so late the previous night. They did wonderful considering but we just didn't want to push them anymore. In fact, when Julie got back to her room, all of her kids had already sacked out :). All in all it was a good free vacation but was not like any retreat I had ever been to before.

Lil Dragons
Family Day at Lil Dragons was last Thursday. Parents were allowed to enter the classroom and film/take pictures of the class and all the activities. Bucky was very excited that his mama was watching. He kept looking at me with the biggest grin on his face. Sometimes he just melts my heart. Here are some pics I took to show what he has learned.
Here he is getting his green stripe put on his belt by Sensei Mark, his teacher. He was very excited and has sense mentioned this stripe several times. All I know is that he has two very proud parents!
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