I've heard many nasty poop stories from my mommy friends and I've laughed about them. After all, it's funny when it's not you having to clean it up. Well, this morning I got my dues. I have been waiting for about 30 minutes after Bucky gets up to change his diaper unless he is soaking wet because he inevitably poops right after I've changed him. This morning was no different. I undid his diaper and turned to grab a wipe (a mistake I will never make again). Faster than a speeding bullet, he grabs the front of his diaper and yanks it out from under his butt, leaving a pile of poop on his stomach. Ewwww, I'm thinking, but it's doable. As I'm bringing the wipe to pick up the poop, thanking God that at least it's solid, Bucky decides he wants to feel the poop...with both hands...and then he decides that maybe that wasn't such a good idea b/c now his hands are dirty. Now I've got quite a predicament...How do I clean the hands while keeping my wiggling child still? I sang and talked to him while keeping his hands away from his mouth where they keep trying to land until they were "wipe" clean. Although this is not the cleanest they can be, you do what you can with what you have at the moment. I finally got all of it cleaned up and I must admit, that is definitely a way to wake up your tired body in a flash. :)
On a much cleaner note: I asked Bucky if he wanted milk, which he knows the sign for, or water. He plain as day informed me that he wanted "ahter." How cute is that??
Sunday, August 31, 2008
When my mom and I went to Walmart yesterday, my mom decided to get Bucky a balloon since he hasn't been sleeping well. She got the biggest balloon there. The head is as big as he is. Bucky loves it!! He lays on it and squeezes it. I just pray that it doesn't pop while he's loving it.
Jackson's 2nd Birthday Party
Yesterday, Bucky's friend Jackson had his 2nd birthday party - a pool party. Bucky wasn't feeling too well - I think it was allergies - but I figured we could go for a little while and hang out with everyone. All the little kids and moms went swimming for about 30 minutes. Then, the kids played inside and ate. We ended up with about 4 community plates b/c noone wanted what was on their plate but they would eat what was on everyone else's plate. There was just too much going on for them to settle down. Eventually we made it back to Jackson's room. Jimmy, Bucky and Andrew climbed into his bed like they were going to take a nap. By this time, it was almost 12:30 so our babes were getting tired. We were waiting on Tonia's parents so we could do the cake and presents. They arrived around 1:15 and "Happy Birthday" began. When Jackson started opening his gifts, we left. Bucky was so tired, he wasn't really focusing on anything anyway. The kids did very well considering they were so tired. Bucky fell asleep shortly after we left and then took a 2-3 hour nap. He still went to bed around 7:15pm and slept until 8:00am. Of course, with his sinuses acting up, he was up and down during the night because he would cough himself awake and start crying. I think the coughing was making his throat hurt but all I could do was comfort him and help him get back to sleep.

Friday, August 29, 2008
Noodles Are So Much Fun to Eat
I made Chicken Alfredo but did not cut the nooldles because I wanted to see how he did with them. I am getting more gutsy when Bucky is trying new things - not too gutsy, just more. He did so good and loved that he was able to pick them up with his hands. He tried using his fork but to no avail so he just started using his little fingers. Apparently they were finger-lickin' good!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Down By the Bay...
Bucky and I met a couple of our friends today for a quick trip to the Bay. We had a great time and the boys played very well together. When we got home, he took a three hour nap, a three hour nap. It's great to see how much better they all do now that they are getting used to each other. I'm so thankful that we met some moms and boys that we both enjoy spending time with while we are here.


Group Shot
Group Shot
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How to Keep a Toddler Busy
Bucky was a busy little bee today. From the time he got up in the morning to the time he took his first nap, he was on the go. He found so many things to get into or stay busy with that I just sat back and watched. First he tried to escape...Busted!! It's probably a good thing he doesn't understand the concept of a lock yet because he loves to be outside. Then he sat on his Pooh car while holding the big ball. Then he decided to run back and forth several times and then crawl through the end table which he can barely fit in now. And, finally, he looked oh so sweet.

Then he started again when he got up from his first nap and ended when he went down for his second nap. He talked to the magnets on the refrigerator. He paused for some milk. He ran around some more. He loved on Rascal. And then it started. The last picture is his new whiny face. This is the face he makes when he wants something now, even if he knows he can't have it. The picture doesn't do it justice...it's one of those faces you have to see to get the full effect.

Then he started again when he got up from his first nap and ended when he went down for his second nap. He talked to the magnets on the refrigerator. He paused for some milk. He ran around some more. He loved on Rascal. And then it started. The last picture is his new whiny face. This is the face he makes when he wants something now, even if he knows he can't have it. The picture doesn't do it justice...it's one of those faces you have to see to get the full effect.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pool Party
We went to a pool party at Anna's house this afternoon. We had a really good time and there was a good turnout. It was through my mom's group so we all have something in common...little ones. I don't have any pictures from being in the pool b/c I'm not taking my camera anywhere near water but i do have some pictures from inside Anna's house.

He was soooo tired after swimming because he didn't finish his nap before - he started "vacuuming" to stay awake. However, at 7:00, he was finished and I haven't heard another peep.

He was soooo tired after swimming because he didn't finish his nap before - he started "vacuuming" to stay awake. However, at 7:00, he was finished and I haven't heard another peep.
Book Babies
This morning Bucky and I attended another session of Book Babies. The kids were a little more restless this week than last but they still did very, very well. I took a few pictures with my phone but I'll try to get some better ones up once Hubbell (nudge, nudge) emails me the ones she took with her real camera.

Playing with a puzzle
Bucky and Chase reorganizing
Waiting for Book Babies to start

Giving the man a high five

Monday, August 25, 2008
I have been trying to figure out what Bucky has been saying for the past week and I think I finally cracked the code. He has been saying "I sha" and he couldn't or wouldn't show me what he was referring to...until this morning. After I heated up his oatmeal balls, I climbed over the gate and he started saying "I sha" again. He then went straight to his high chair. Now I know that "I sha" means high chair and that he is wanting to eat. Apparently all my commands to go to his high chair when it's meal time have now paid off because he knows that is where he sits to eat.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Little Monkey
Bucky and I were in my room (a rare event believe it or not) and he decided he needed to get in the laundry basket with the soon to be clean clothes. It was very talented until he tried to climb out. He put his foot down like he is supposed to do but then lifted his foot as his head went down *THUNK*. In other words, my child got a bruise on his forehead because he changed his mind at the last minute. Sorry - no pics of the bruise...I was too busy making sure he didn't have a concussion. Another proud moment ends traumatically.

And then, to top that off, he woke up very cranky from his nap but he looked so cute sitting in his crib..."Let Me OUT!!!"
And then, to top that off, he woke up very cranky from his nap but he looked so cute sitting in his crib..."Let Me OUT!!!"
Tissue, Tissue Everywhere
I was on my computer the other day and Bucky was playing in my room. I noticed he was very quiet and entertaining himself. At least it was easy to pick up!
Bucky Update: He will now say "Hot" and gently touch food to test it; he is great at problem-solving especially when it involves climbing; he grunts for emphasis when he picks things up; if you laugh, he will repeat whatever he just did; he enjoys being around his little friends for playgroup; he says "stop" - mainly to me or the animals; he will point to my eye and say "Eye"; he seems to know where mouth and nose are but we are currently working on that :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
15 Months and Growing...
We had Bucky's 15 month pictures taken yesterday at Sears. He was clinging to me at first but after a few minutes he chilled out and enjoyed the pictures. We let him run around in between pics sometimes so he didn't feel out of control and that really seemed to help some. He played with the props and looked out the curtain. When the photographer got the beach props out, he grabbed the starfish and just hugged it so tight. He really loves stuffed things that are soft. He, once again, did so good!
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