So now that I am able to be in the kitchen for longer than about 2 minutes, I decided to try something new. (BTW - You don't realize how many different smells there are at any given time until you are pregnant). After reading the blog
The Verdant Life written by a vegan friend of mine from high school, I got the juicing bug. Didn't look like it would be too hard so I thought "Why not try it?" I ended up purchasing the juicer she recommended because I know nothing about them and quite frankly did not want to research them. It was only about $20 or so on Amazon so I went with it. With my little helper in tow, we went from this:
To this midway through...
To the final product: TADA!
It got really good reviews from my little critic. He finally handed me the glass with about 3 drops left and said, "I don't want anymore. You can have the rest." Thanks kiddo!
The only problem I had with the juicer was that it didn't reverse every time I pushed down on it but it evened out well enough to get all the juice from the lemon. I also had to clean it a few times during the juicing of the 9 lemons because I was concerned about the seeds getting stuck in there. FYI: 9 lemons made just less than 2 cups of lemon juice so I still have almost a full cup of juice to make another batch of lemonade.