Our meeting this month was absolutely wonderful...nearly perfect, in fact. We threw a huge birthday party for everyone who graced us with their presence(s). There were many games for the kids and even a couple for the adults. Pizza and cupcakes for dinner. Great company and great conversation were had by most. {Begin Rant} There was a "new" member who shall remain nameless. This person really pissed me off very quickly with his/her better-than-thou attitude and condescending behavior and comments. I did, however, fight the urge to throw some words and actions his/her way -(yay for adult, grown-up me!) Later I found out that this person had irritated pretty much everyone (this actually made me feel better). Usually we would have tried to include this person and find out what's going on and why he/she acted that way...but this person actually belongs to another company so they can deal with it now :). We are a very strong FRG and are not going to let someone ruin what we have worked very hard to build and maintain throughout this entire deployment. It's too close to the end to
let it all fizzle. I love our FRG!! ♥

1 comment:
looks like you guys had fun!!
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