We have started off with a bang again this week but shouldn't have too much to do the rest of the week because I need to get some things done around the house. We spent Sunday with my dad because I needed to get our laundry washed. Then, Sunday night DJ and Alisa came up and we grilled out for the Super Bowl. My mom also returned from Disney around the same time. Bucky was wide awake so we stayed for the whole game. It was such a good game even though the team I wanted to win did not pull through :( . Monday Bucky had a playdate at Amy's house. It was a little rainy outside but all the kids did very well being inside. She had three different areas with toys for all of them. This morning I took Bucky to Toddler Time at the library. He has such a hard time sitting still for the stories so I'm not sure if I will take him back. I probably will because he needs to start learning when he can run and when it is time to pay attention. After story time we went to lunch with Hubbell and Chase. Bucky fell asleep on the way home so I stopped and picked up a booster chair I had bought him for eating at the dining table. Craigslist Rocks!! These are some pictures another mother took at the playdate Monday. I took some pics also but I have gotten very slow about uploading them to the computer. I think someone is rubbing off on me ;)

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