Bucky turned 21 months old 5 days ago. I've decided to only get pro photos done on his year birthdays because they have cool props for those occasions. Here are some pictures I took today with my makeshift backdrop. I didn't finish editing them but let me know what you think anyway. Click on the slideshow to see the pictures bigger.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Mardi Gras
My mom went with Bucky and I to the children's Mardi Gras Parade yesterday afternoon. Bucky really seemed to enjoy watching everything that was going on but we had to back him up when the floats got closer. The kids were throwing the beads so hard he would've gotten a concussion if one hit him in the head. I stood in front of him to grab any beads that were coming close and he racked up. I think his beads doubled his weight. When I tried to get a picture with him, he was too busy watching everything so I had to bribe him with a piece of chocolate - No, I'm not above bribery to get my picture :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Year in the Making
I was getting nostalgic the other day when I was trying to get my 21 month old to sit still so I could take some V-day portraits of him. Needless to say, I only got one of him with a backdrop and some rose petals. I started thinking about how hard it was last year because he kept crawling away. That's when I realized it only gets harder from here. He is a well-behaved child for the most part but when he decides he doesn't want to do something, it doesn't get done. Here are some pictures to show you how much our little boy has grown. The first two are a couple of shots from this year and the second two are from last year. It's amazing to me how much one child can change in 365 days but it's a joy and honor to watch him and learn from him :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
More Outside Fun
We continued to go outside while the weather permitted last week. It's a good thing too because it rained pretty much all weekend. Wednesday Bucky enjoyed playing with Rascal and Thursday we went on a photo walk with my friend, Kelly. Bucky liked the animals but really enjoyed the walk through the woods. The lake and woods are not near a busy street so he pretty much had the freedom to walk by himself the whole time. He loved it!! And a special thank you to Jimmy and Paula for the Illinois outfit :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Bucky fell Tuesday night and busted his lip. For those who have not seen him when he is tired, he walks like a little drunk man, stumbling from side to side. Well, he was trying to get away from me because I wanted to put his PJ's on him and he wasn't ready. He ran once and fell, came back for more, ran again and this time he bit his bottom lip. I thought he was just upset because he fell until I picked him up and saw the blood running from his mouth. Who knew such a tiny mouth could bleed so much?!?! Not me. Needless to say, the bleeding stopped, I called my dad for affirmation that I couldn't do anything else, and Bucky laid down for me to put his PJ's on. What an unexpected ending to a perfectly good day. (It's the left side of his bottom lip. He also hit his right cheek so I don't know what happened exactly.)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Gulf World
Bucky and I met Jimmy and Anna at Gulf World yesterday. We were trying to get together before Anna has baby #2 (Sarah) on Thursday and finally were able to plan something. Jimmy was restless during the Sea Lion show but really enjoyed walking around looking at the other animals. Bucky was watching the show and even asked for more when the Sea Lion, Otto, came on our side of the pool and was "talking". After he quieted down, Bucky looked at me, gave me the sign for "more" and said "mi, mi, mi." He hasn't learned how to say it correctly yet but I knew this was his interpretation. He loved following Jimmy around and doing whatever he was doing. The parrots terrified Bucky because of the loud squawking - I even jumped a couple of times. He ran to me and buried his face in my chest - we left the room shortly thereafter. They both enjoyed the parrot show but were ready to go before it was over so we took them outside to walk around and then fed them lunch on the way home. Bucky was asleep before we got to the bridge and then slept for two hours after we got home. YAY!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More Playtime
Monday afternoon, I took Bucky outside to play again and was able to get some more pics of him. He is just so photogenic :) One of them will turn up on Valentine's Cards this year (it'll probably just be emailed so don't rush to your mailbox).
Sunday, February 8, 2009
This Weekend
Friday and Saturday, I had a yard sale with Alisa to try to get rid of a few unnecessary items. We did pretty good and most of what was left went straight to Goodwill. In other words, the crap didn't come back to my apartment. Although the first part of the morning was very chilly (there was frost on the ground), the sunny part of the day was very nice. We both started shedding our layers as the days progressed. Bucky was with me the first day because everyone else was working but he stayed with my parents on Friday night so he didn't have to spend both cold mornings outside with me. He was bundled up but I still didn't want extra exposure if I could avoid it - Thanks mom and dad!
Today was an inside day until after his nap. I have found that if we leave the house, I spend money. Therefore, I'm trying not to leave the house every day like I was doing. We did, however, go in the front and side yard after he woke up from his 3 hour nap so he could get some fresh air and I could get some pictures. He didn't want to stay out too long for some reason but I hope you enjoy what I did get :)
Today was an inside day until after his nap. I have found that if we leave the house, I spend money. Therefore, I'm trying not to leave the house every day like I was doing. We did, however, go in the front and side yard after he woke up from his 3 hour nap so he could get some fresh air and I could get some pictures. He didn't want to stay out too long for some reason but I hope you enjoy what I did get :)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
We have started off with a bang again this week but shouldn't have too much to do the rest of the week because I need to get some things done around the house. We spent Sunday with my dad because I needed to get our laundry washed. Then, Sunday night DJ and Alisa came up and we grilled out for the Super Bowl. My mom also returned from Disney around the same time. Bucky was wide awake so we stayed for the whole game. It was such a good game even though the team I wanted to win did not pull through :( . Monday Bucky had a playdate at Amy's house. It was a little rainy outside but all the kids did very well being inside. She had three different areas with toys for all of them. This morning I took Bucky to Toddler Time at the library. He has such a hard time sitting still for the stories so I'm not sure if I will take him back. I probably will because he needs to start learning when he can run and when it is time to pay attention. After story time we went to lunch with Hubbell and Chase. Bucky fell asleep on the way home so I stopped and picked up a booster chair I had bought him for eating at the dining table. Craigslist Rocks!! These are some pictures another mother took at the playdate Monday. I took some pics also but I have gotten very slow about uploading them to the computer. I think someone is rubbing off on me ;)

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