Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feeling Better

Bucky is doing much better this weekend than he was last week. Friday afternoon was the last time he ran a fever - YAY!! We had a couple of birthday parties to attend Saturday morning but we did not go because I wanted to make sure whatever he had was completely gone before getting him around other kids. We did go to Pier Park yesterday, though. We were both going a little crazy from being inside and Pier Park is mostly outside in the beautiful sunshine. He did well but became very tired and cranky so we left. Today I took him to the mall to walk around and see if Linens-N-Things was having better deals. I got a few items but not the pet steps like I was wanting b/c they were sold out. Oh well!! I'll find some elsewhere. He got up at 545AM so he is down right now for his second nap of the day. Hopefully he'll sleep a little longer tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad he is feeling better. I feel like a really bad friend that I have not called, I promise we have been thinking about you guys. I can explain later about what a BAD weekend we had. Miss ya!