Hard to believe that a year has passed since this little girl came into our lives...but it has. This beautiful little being has been such a blessing for us. She loves to growl, crawl to escape us after making sure we are watching her, get into trouble, put things in her mouth (like, everything), laugh (even if it's fake), make others laugh, build with blocks, race cars, chase things that her big bubby throws, roll around on the carpet, take a few steps if she feels like it, yell "Mama" if I am not paying attention to her, call for "Baba" even when he's at school, chase the vacuum, laugh at loud noises, yank glasses right off your face, give kisses (new), and sometimes help pick things up. She is a wonderful delight for us all and everyone we meet even if only for a moment. She can brighten a room with the amount of smiles she gives out expecting nothing in return. We were truly blessed with another wonderful child. I can't wait to see what the next year brings for us.