Saturday, May 22, 2010
Pee Pee... the potty!!! YAY!! Bucky didn't go in the potty at all yesterday and started off rocky this morning by peeing in two sets of underwear. However, before his nap, I noticed him, um, grabbing himself, and took him to the potty three times. The fourth time, I asked him, "Are you ready to go TT in the potty?" He replied with an emphatic, "YES!"...and he DID!!! Then tonight when we got home, I asked him again because he was doing his PP dance and he went again. He's becoming such a big boy - pretty soon he won't need me for anything, including but not limited to, wiping his booty. What will I do with all my spare, non-wiping time??
Friday, May 21, 2010
No Wonder My Back Hurts
I took Bucky to the doctor on Wednesday for his 3 year checkup. Good news - no shots at the 3 year checkup unless something is missing...but Bucky was up to date - YAY!! Now on to his size...he weighs 32.7 lbs (60%) and is 36.5 inches (20%). He definitely has his daddy's build - short and stocky. This explains why, after carrying him for a few minutes, I'm asking him to walk beside me. His hearing is great and his vision is approx. 20/30. They had him look at a chart with pictures for vision but he didn't know some of the pictures and he got bored after a few minutes. He did do very well, however, while the nurse had his attention. Everything checked out fine and developmentally he is right where he's supposed to be. I think he's ahead of the game in certain areas but maybe that's just me :).
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Birthday Zoo
We went to the zoo on Sunday to continue the birthday weekend and as a late Mother's Day gift. Bucky always has such a good time at the zoo and this time he did stuff he doesn't normally do when we go. He paid for the crackers, rode the train, rode the pony, went on the skyride, and fed the birds. We even ran into some of his "boyz" while we were there. He was so excited. We all had a great, exhausting day!
Bucky's Party
Well, the Big Day finally came - Bucky's 3rd birthday party.There were a lot of people who showed up to celebrate with us this year and Bucky had a great time. It started off with water guns and water balloons in the backyard, followed by hotdogs and burgers, cake, presents and more playing. He loved playing with his "boyz." During the "Happy Birthday" song he actually started crying. It was funny and sad at the same time but he quickly got over it when it was time to blow out the candle and eat some cake. He received a bunch of gifts, including a scooter, sand/water table, Nerf guns, cars, a book and some other toys. So far, he has played with everything at least twice. We really appreciate everyone coming and enjoying his birthday party with us. He slept really good that night!

Friday, May 14, 2010
One Potato, Two Potato...
We went to a playgroup today for potato stamping. I had no idea what that was when we headed that way but we all brought potato products to eat. Once we got there, everyone had such a good time. The hostess, Valerie, had cut the ends off potatoes and made them into shapes, such as star, heart, even a smiley face. The kids dipped the ends in paint and stamped them onto a piece of paper. Then they all made a Mr. Potato Head craft. She had cut out several of the pieces to glue onto a brown potato-shaped piece of paper. It was great! When it was almost time to go, the kids participated in a sack race. They were given commissary reusable grocery bags to step in and then hop down her front yard. They all had such a great time!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Hope all the mothers in the world had a great day yesterday!
I was surprised with a card and balloon that Bucky picked out for me. Buck helped him sign his name on the card.
I wanted to go to the zoo but when we got close, there was a sign that said parking lot full - wait from this point approx one hour. So instead we went to the cliff dwellings where Buck wanted to go. After, we decided that while we were glad to experience it, it wasn't worth the $20 to get in so we won't be going back.
Proof that I was, in fact, there.
Mother's Day Craft Playdate
We went to a playdate on Friday, May 7 so Bucky could have some fun and make some things for me for Mother's Day. The first thing he did was paint and decorate a frame. He really enjoyed the painting. Next we did a flower pot with his handprint. I love that Valerie, the hostess, is so creative because both turned out really great!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Home Again, Home Again...
Buck has finally rejoined us in Colorado after a month of intense pre-deployment training. They participated in several real-to-life scenarios, some of which he won't tell me about. I told him long ago not to tell me any of the bad, potentially dangerous stuff. After all, we all know there are risks associated with being a soldier...but we don't need the details. Anyway, he's finally home and we are so excited. However, he gets the weekend off and then back on the range on Monday. Oh well, block leave is coming up soon so we'll be outta here for a little while at least. Hope all is well with you!
Buck has finally rejoined us in Colorado after a month of intense pre-deployment training. They participated in several real-to-life scenarios, some of which he won't tell me about. I told him long ago not to tell me any of the bad, potentially dangerous stuff. After all, we all know there are risks associated with being a soldier...but we don't need the details. Anyway, he's finally home and we are so excited. However, he gets the weekend off and then back on the range on Monday. Oh well, block leave is coming up soon so we'll be outta here for a little while at least. Hope all is well with you!
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