In case you didn't notice, I gave up on the daily blogging attempt. Even though I usually blogged about a day a couple of days late, it still got out of control and time just got away from me. I wanted to blog about Christmas before February so I decided to fast forward a little. I'll do a brief synopsis of the time between the 15th and Christmas later but for now, I want to share some Christmas info.
Bucky and I both had a wonderful Christmas. He got too many toys and a ton of clothes (we are thankful for all). We got a lot more cards this year so I'm glad I bought a Christmas tree card holder to hold it all. I love displaying cards but I usually get just a couple so they are able to sit or rest on the tree. Christmas Eve, we went to my mom's house for a hot dog dinner (very formal). Bucky opened his first gift; they were pajamas for him to wear that night and the next morning. Of course, when I bought his flannel PJs it was much, much colder than the 70 degree weather we are currently experiencing. I took some video to share with Buck when he returns b/c I still don't know how to download or upload it, whichever one I need to do. On Christmas morning, Bucky opened the gifts from me and Buck and played with Santa's toys. He was a little overwhelmed and played a little here and a little there. We didn't go overboard price-wise but he got a lot of little stuff to open. We then headed to FedEx to pick up my lens that was supposed to arrive the day before - I was very upset when they told me it was on it's way back to California. I'm glad I told them to check again b/c it was sitting in the back. We went to my parents' house for my immediate famly gift giving. Bucky was more interested in stealing everyone else's gifts to open his own but did sit for a little bit when he saw the stocking stuffers. After we finished up there, we went home for a few minutes to change clothes and go to my grandma's house for lunch - catered by Sonny's (yummy!). Bucky fell asleep on the way home so I put him in his crib while I reloaded the car, got dressed and put his clothes in his backpack b/c I was just going to pick him up and put him in the car. Lunch was delicious!! We opened more gifts afterwards and then chilled for a few minutes before heading home for good. It was a full, busy day but we are so blessed to have so many people who love us. We didn't get to visit everyone this year like we did last year but I tried to talk or text everyone we missed. All in all it was a busy, exciting, exhausting day. I am trying the slideshow on my blog with the Christmas pictures so let me know what you think. You should be able to click on the pictures to see them bigger. Most were taken with my "new" lens so a few are blurry while I was learning the manual focus on it. Enjoy!
*I deleted the slideshow on 02/16/09*
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
December 15th - A Freakishly Warm Day
Until the next rainy day/cold front moves through, it is in the 70's during the day. On this day, I decided that Bucky needed to play with his chalks. I was curious to see how he did since it has been a while. He loved it. He actually refrained from throwing the whole pieces on the ground to break them and sat and drew for a while. I love that he loves outdoor activities and artsy stuff. He even helped me pick up the chalks when he was finished. He was hungry when we went inside so he sat on the couch and ate string cheese - his new favorite snack food. 
4-4-4 Tag
I was tagged by my high school friend, Ria. Here are the instructions. Go to your computer where you have all your photos. Go to your fourth folder, then go to your fourth photo and explain that photo. NO CHEATING! Last, tag 4 people and have them do it.
I tag Anna, Hubbell, Kelly, and Susie.
I tag Anna, Hubbell, Kelly, and Susie.
This is an easy one to explain. This was my first ride on my new ATV. I was very nervous about it since I had never owned and operated one by myself but I think I did quite well. I remember going on some random trails and Buck following me on his dirtbike (also in the pic). I really miss riding it but hope to take it up again when we get it out of storage :).
Saturday, December 20, 2008
December 14th - A Random Day
This blogging about every day until Christmas idea was crazy so sorry for some days being blogged later than planned. It's not that we're too terribly busy; it's that when he goes to sleep, I finally get to sit down and blogging is not first on my mind.
The 14th was just a typical day where we ran a few errands and hung out around the house. At home, he decided he wanted to be a monkey today. He was climbing on and off the couch, running around my legs, and making me into a jungle gym on the floor. Bucky learned that he can use my measuring cup to hold his ball and then throw it and catch it all by himself. He also loved on Frodo a little more and wore himself out. 
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 13th - Shopping Day
We went shopping this morning to try and finish up but failed. I only have a few more to buy for and they're not big gifts; I just have to do it. Every time we go in Target now, Bucky remembers the food area and decides he is hungry. I usually get him popcorn or a pretzel b/c he is usually not that hungry and it's something we can share. Today he got popcorn. We got some random shopping done and then headed to the mall for Sears and lunch. I was able to find some good sales on clothes for him and use my $5 off coupon (YAY!!). We headed to the food court but quickly turned around once we got there b/c there were just too many people. He fell asleep on the way back to the car and took a 2 1/2 hour nap once we got home. He didn't quit eating after he woke up until he finally went to bed around 8:45. This was the third time I had put him down for sleep. I bought some wall stickers that are removable at Sears so I let him decorate part of the wall. He really enjoyed being able to help me decorate and seemed proud of a job well done.
December 12th - Friday
This was an uneventful day. We went to the post office to mail packages and Christmas cards and visited my mom and then came home. We stayed in the rest of the day because it was chilly and windy from the storms the days before and because I was just too tired and unmotivated to do anything. He enjoyed playing with all his toys in his room. I bought a calendar with chocolate behind each day to count down the days until Christmas so we open each day; I don't like chocolate much but it's a nice treat for him. I eat about 2/3 of the piece and he gets the rest. He really enjoys it and one day he'll understand the meaning of treats. He also enjoys looking at the tree and saying "light" when he sees one. 
Saturday, December 13, 2008
December 11th - "Owanges"
Bucky has learned how to say oranges; it sounds something like "owanges". People who don't know how he talks know what he is saying so that's a pretty good indicator that he's saying it somewhat correctly. He can eat a whole can of mandarin oranges in one sitting. He LOVES them!!
December 10th - Concentration
For those who don't know, Bucky has always held writing instruments properly - never with his whole hand. I didn't teach him this; he just knows. On Wednesday, he was really interested in writing so I gave him a pad and a pen and let him go. Then he took a break from writing to read a little. Hopefully these talents will continue into and through his schooling years. 

December 9th (pt2) - Visit with Santa
After Book Babies, we headed to the mall to meet up with Anna/Jimmy and Hubbell/Chase for a group Santa picture. I wasn't planning on getting an individual picture of Bucky because I was so pleased with Sears last year. However, last time I went to Sears, I was told that Santa was having some medical issues and they hadn't found a replacement yet. So anyway...after the group shot, Bucky was still doing ok so I thought I'd try to get at least one picture of him. He actually smiled for the picture :) I did only get one because the 5x7 was $10.99!! Ridiculous price but the picture was worth it to me.

December 9th (pt1) - Book Babies
This was Bucky's last Book Babies at the library. Next session, he becomes a Terrific Tot. I have heard some not-so-great things about the Tot teacher so we'll see how it goes. His buddies Chase and Jimmy will be in the class too so at least he knows some other kids. If I'm not pleased, I'm not going to waste my time or his. In his current class, he has such a good time playing with his little friends and sometimes singing the songs and playing with the instruments at the end of class. I think that's his favorite part :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 8th - 18 month checkup
Monday was a very casual day again. I was busy doing housework while Bucky went from chillin' to runnin' back to chillin'. I took a picture of his morning hair - it was hilarious. We went to his doctor's appt around 830AM (I don't know what I was thinking when I made that appointment). I hung some rope lights around our door while he was napping - can I just say that they look great but were a big PITA to hang?!?! You have to screw in clips for the rope every foot or so and when there is 18 feet, it takes strength and patience - two things I am lacking at the moment. But anyway - I got it done. He was feeling ok from his shots but we still hung around the house for the rest of the day because I didn't want to risk going out and then him feeling rotten or having a fever. He was 24 lbs (10-25%) and 31" long (25%). All of a sudden he is taking off - he has grown 4" in 6 months according to their measurements - craziness!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
December 7th - Kinda Boring
Today was not an average day for us. We didn't really do anything but run some basic errands for the house. I was looking for some particular items but could not find them. Bucky ate an apparently yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch which was followed by a very healthy nap (about 3 hours). That night, he got very quiet and I found him in the middle of the floor sitting in one of the boxes that my Christmas decorations were in the day before. The kid loves getting into things...boxes, baskets, whatever. Anyway - it was a pretty uneventful day.
Monday, December 8, 2008
December 6th (pt 2) - Christmas is almost here
I don't remember what I wrote in the previous blog and am too lazy to reread at this moment so in case I haven't already said - December 6th was extremely busy. We went shopping in the morning/early afternoon, watched SEC game for a couple of hours, went to mom's work because there was going to be a Santa there and I wanted pics, and then we went to the parade downtown until about 7:45PM. Before we left for the parade, I tried to take some pics of me and Bucky to put in cards this year. I also tried to get a picture of him wearing his hat but he'd rather play peek-a-boo. He did pretty good since it was on timer and noone was there to get his attention. He would laugh right after the picture took because the flash was apparently very funny that night. I did get some good ones of him and my mom, though. Bucky actually did ok with Santa but wouldn't let me put him down so I ended up in the pic...sorry :) From there we rushed to Chick-Fil-A to get him some dinner and then off to the parade. We were all bundled up because it was in tht 50's but the wind was chilly for those of us with Florida blood. He really enjoyed the parade this year. I was very excited to see how he did with everything going on. He loved the music, was waving to people, and started blowing kisses to random folks. He started off sitting in the stroller, then on the stroller, then we would take turns holding him and then he wanted down and started dancing in the street. It was so funny. I have video of it but have no idea how to get the video to the computer so you'll just have to take my word for it and enjoy the pics.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
December 6th (pt 1) - SEC Championship
You won't see this often when it's only me around but my son was in ... *gasp* ... blue and orange today in support of Buck's team, the Florida Gators. He was ok at first until he realized what was on the shirt. J/K - He actually got punished because he wouldn't leave my "village" alone. UF beat Alabama to become the SEC Champs for 2008. We only watched the first half but listened to the rest on the radio on the way to the parade and even at the parade. UF won in the 4th - 31-20. So...Go Gators!! At least they're a Florida team.
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